Broiche turn

  • Prep Time
    25-30 minutes
  • Cook Time
    30-35 minutes
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    1 hour

The cottage cheese and raisin filling is vanilla and sweet. A kind of lapel in the city belt, made of leavened dough and folded with butter, similar to croissant.




prepared the dough . I dissolved the yeast in warm milk (in 150 ml and kept 25 ml aside) and added a teaspoon of sugar. In the bowl of the mixer I placed the flour and poured the dough over it together with the grated lemon peel and vanilla. I mixed for 5 minutes, I added the yolks, salt and butter and I mixed for another 5 minutes. I left the dough to rise for 1 hour. I spread it on the sheet and greased it with soft butter. I packed it long and then wide and let it cool for 1 hour. I repeated the packing and left it in the cold for another 30 minutes.


Folding can be done classically, envelope type or bag type, as I did. I basically raised the edges of the dough above the filling and twisted them. Very easy. I held each bag in my flowery hand and rounded it up a bit. I spread a large tray (33 x 42 cm) with baking paper and placed the cheeses in it, with a reasonable distance between them.


I preheated the oven to 220 C with ventilation (the highest level for gas ones). I quickly beat an egg with a pinch of salt and brushed the cheeses with it, just before putting them in the oven. In addition, I cut them with a blade (or a sharp knife) in 4 places, cutting slightly vertically from the solder to the base. The cuts were about 2-3 cm. It's not musa, but that's how I thought it would be good. The filling does not flow from them and those slots allow the steam generated by the cheese to come out. I immediately put the tray of cheeses with puff pastry in the oven and baked them for the first 5 minutes at 220 C. Without opening the oven door, I then reduced the temperature to 180 C and continued baking them for another 20 minutes. I baked them for a total of 25 minutes. Alas, it smells good in the kitchen!



Recipe Reviews

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  • 5 / 5
Total Reviews:( 1 )
  • Richard

    Beautiful recipe,…very versatile can change fillings

  • Léonie NKWIDOU

    Thanks. I love it.

  • Heleen

    Thank you for sharing delicious recipes.

  • Nancy

    It looks delicious…can’t wait to try it…

  • Patricia

    The picture doesnt look like it has a filling… after preparing the dough after it is ready once the butter is folded in then rolled out into a rectangle, do you spread the filling over it all like you do for cinnamon buns and rollup and slice into individual pieces?

  • art

    i tried this recipe and ended up having excess yeast though was suspicious from the start.
    generaly ,yeast should be 1.5%-2% of the floor amount .

  • Jo

    Thank you for sharing this recipe, looks yummy.

  • Jocelyn Panem

    Thank you for this recipe. I can’t wait to try your recipe.

  • Ng Kim Choo

    Thank you for Sharing delicious recipes.

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