Delicious Fried Cabbage and Bacon

  • Prep Time
    25-30 minutes
  • Cook Time
    1 hour
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    1-2 hours

This fried cabbage with bacon is a family favorite that is put into every cookbook It is a beautiful dish with many colors and full of flavor.




Start by frying the bacon. When done, set it apart & let it cool. cut to little pieces. Save the bacon. Use reserved bacon fat, in cast iron skillet, sauté chopped onions to they turn brown. Next, adding chop garlic to cast iron. Cooking for 30 sec. Reduce heat to medium low. Then adding cabbage, mix & adding lid to the pan. Letting mixture cook to cabbage is soft & tender. Time cabbage is done, adding spices, salt, & pepper. Finally, finish the dish by adding bacon on top.



Recipe Reviews

  • Patricia Rockwell

    Wonderful recipes! I am disabled and cannot bake or cook now.
    I loved to bake and cook prior to becoming disabled. Now I read a recipe and imagining that I can still cook!

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