Red Velvet Swiss Roll

  • Prep Time
    25-30 minutes
  • Cook Time
    10-15 minutes
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    45-50 minutes

We’re going to make the most irresistible red velvet cake roll. This homemade red velvet cake roll filled with Vanilla Whipped Cream is perfectly moist, soft, and delicious!


For cake batter:

Vanilla Whipped Cream filling:



Preheat the oven. Grease a 12×17 inch baking pan with cooking spray and then cover with parchment paper and then grease the parchment payer. Lay a tea towel on a flat work surface and sprinkle it with powdered sugar and set aside.


In a medium mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and salt. Set aside. Then In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs on high for 3 minutes until pale in color. Continue beating as you slowly add in the sugar. Add the oil, buttermilk, vanilla, red food coloring and beat for 1 more minute. Add in the dry ingredients and mix until combined. Pour batter into pan and tilt to even out the batter. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until it springs back when touched Remove the parchment paper and then roll the cake in the towel starting at the short end. Set it aside allow it to cool completely


whip the heavy cream, sugar, butter and vanilla extract on medium-high speed until medium to stiff peaks form, about 2-3 minutes. Slowly and gently unroll the cake. Spread whipped cream evenly on top, leaving about a 1/2 inch border around the cake. Gently roll the cake back up, without the parchment/towel this time. Cover leftover cake and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.



Recipe Reviews

  • Bernice Mosteller

    Ingredients not complete, where is the amounts of oil and butter milk?

    • Epic Foods

      oil and butter milk is not included in this recipe but u can 3-4 tbsp oil instead of butter u can add 3-4 tbsp butter milk

  • Faiza Ibrahim magalah


  • Teressa

    In the “directions”, it says on [Step 2] row 4 “Add oil, buttermilk, vanilla and red food coloring.” So how much oil and how much buttermilk?

    • Epic Foods

      u can 3-4 tbsp oil and 3-4 tbsp butter milk

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