5 mins Cake recipe

  • Prep Time
    40-45 mins
  • Cook Time
    45-50 mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    1-2 hours




In a saucepan add eeg, sugar, vanilla sugar, cornstarch, milk. Mix all the ingredients until they are properly dissolved. Then bring the pan to a stove, cook over low heat and keep on stirring constantly until it thickens. Cover it with a foil paper and leave it to cool down


In a separate bowl add 2 eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla essence. Beat it with mixer on high speed until its fluffy. then add milk and oil, mix them. Add flour, baking powder, and mix well


Pour half of the batter into the pan and cut the apple into cubes and add them in the batter then add the batter again. Take the sauce we made before add into a piping bag and spread into a line on the cake making a box shape on it then bake for 40-45mins on 180° or according to your oven.



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