6-Minute Caramel Recipe

  • Prep Time
    25-30 mins
  • Cook Time
    15-20 mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    1 hour




In a medium-sized, heavy-bottomed pan, combine the granulated sugar and water. Ensure that the sugar is evenly moistened. In a medium-sized, heavy-bottomed pan, combine the granulated sugar and water. Ensure that the sugar is evenly moistened.


Once the sugar has dissolved, keep a close eye on the syrup. It will start to bubble after a minute or two. The bubbles will get bigger and then smaller as the water evaporates. After 4-5 minutes, the syrup will turn into a beautiful amber color. This is the caramel stage you’re aiming for.


Immediately remove from heat. Slowly pour in the heavy cream while whisking continuously. Be cautious, as the mixture will bubble vigorously. Whisk in the vanilla extract and a pinch of salt until you have a smooth, silky caramel.Drizzle over ice cream, pancakes, or any dessert of your choice. Enjoy the delightful taste of your homemade 6-minute caramel!


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