Cake Pops

  • Prep Time
    20-25 minutes
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    35-40 minutes

This easy cake pops recipe includes helpful tips on how to prepare your cake.




Trim off edges or any caramelization in the cake to make a smoother consistency when rolling into cake balls. rumble into small pieces. Add a little bit of frosting at a time. You don’t want the cake to be too moist/ wet when rolling because it will fall from the stick. It should feel like play dough.


Use an ice cream scoop for even sizing. Make a test ball. If it breaks when rolling, add a little bit more frosting. Slightly squeeze cake before rolling to make it compact. Take your time in rolling the cake into a smooth ball. Chill for 15 minutes only. *Chilling them longer will make the balls too hard and can cause some cracks when inserting the stick.


Use only candy melts/ candy wafers intended for cake pops. Insert cake pop stick just halfway through the cake ball. Chill for 5 minutes only. Add a little bit of paramount crystals/ vegetable shortening to thin out candy melts. Dip cake pops vertically. Use a styro foam / cake pop holder to let the cake pops set/ dry. Be creative. DO NOT REFRIGERATE. Let the cake pops dry/ set at room temperature.



Recipe Reviews

  • Florence Williams

    I love the cake pops and I will try to make them for my great-granddaughter’s birthday in August. So I am saving the recipe.

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